


    上海富申不动产工程咨询有限公司于1994年成立,即取得上海市建委批准的建设工程结算审价一级资质,是一家从事工程造价咨询,涵盖工程投资控制、工程投资监理、工程财务监理的专业化公司,现拥有住建部批准的工程造价咨询“甲级”资质,是上海市政府采购中心列名单位。公司在造价咨询行业进行的服务质量、审价时效、执业道德考评中,曾被上海市建委评为“表扬单位”,2015年,在工程咨询行业年检中,又在依法咨询中得到了肯定。公司自2014年起,连续三届荣获“重合同 守信用”AAA级企业称号。


    “富申”坚持诚信为本、信誉至上,靠品牌拓展市场,注重员工职业道德建设,始终坚持“质量和服务”特色,赢得客户的高度信任和社会的广泛认同。公司于2002年成立工会,2007年成立党支部。 “富申”实施商标发展战略,致力打造优质品牌,“富申”注册商标连续四届被评为上海市“著名商标”、“上海优秀服务商标”。2020年,上海“富申”注册商标被上海商标品牌协会评为“上海好商标”。

      历年通过ISO9001中国质量管理体系认证,连续五届被评为上海市“文明单位”、并被评为“上海市职工最满意企事业单位”、二届上海和谐劳动关系达标企业, 2017年公司集体荣获上海市“五一劳动奖状”。2020年,富申被全国工商联评为“抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进民营企业”。 



    二十七年来,公司在业界拥有良好的口碑和声誉,在国内外客户中树立了专业的品牌和形象。为国内外医疗机构,为公共财政资金项目审核、为世界500强企业,提供优质、高效的造价咨询、资金监理、工程审价和投资咨询服务。承担了国家重点项目和大型公共卫生和民生项目。如:临港新城海基一路市政道路工程、临港新片区云水路(泥城路-两港大厦)工程、上海市肺科医院肺部疾病临床诊疗中心及立体车库、上海市第六人民医院综合科研楼工程,中国援外项目安哥拉医院,中德医院,轨道交通5号线南延伸工程,轨道交通15号线工程,黄浦区109地块(含地下6层)(泛太平洋国际大厦),世界500强上海巴斯夫分散体有限公司,上海石化炼油改造工程项目(标段四)工程, 上海石化1#乙二醇增产环氧乙烷结构调整项目,报喜鸟集团有限公司90万服装生产项目,宋园路233街坊6丘地块商办楼工程,位育中学2013年校舍修缮工程,徐汇区XH128C-07地下空间工程,南洋中学改扩建一期、二期工程,南洋中学初中迁建工程,田林第三中学体育综合楼新建工程、华泾镇445街坊配套商品房1标、上海市肺科医院叶家花园保护建筑修缮投资监理项目,公司为上述项目主要提供工程审价、工程财务监理、全过程投资监理等咨询服务工作。连续多年收到巴斯夫表扬信。2014年、2015年分别被徐汇财政局评为“徐汇区教育区校舍基建项目”优秀审价单位。2018年,获得上海申康医院颁发的“优秀项目组”称号。二十七年来,在业界拥有良好的口碑和信誉,受到了政府部门和投资者的好评。





    十多年来,富申的慈善公益活动形成了社区“阳光之家”、 “正好小勇士发布会”、慰问老劳模老党员、春节慰问贫困弱势群体等一系列品牌活动。2018年,富申通过上海慈善基金会成立了爱青不老专项基金,关爱“来自星星的孩子”,富申开展了一系列慈善捐助和公益活动,为自闭症儿童出版画册、为董李凤美学校特殊儿童进行艺术疗愈,通过引进国内外著名剧目,为自闭症儿童提供戏剧体验,免费提供场地,为自闭症儿童提供绘画讲座等。2019年,公司牵头,联合市委统战部、市慈善基金会、玉佛禅寺举办了“夕阳无限好——敬老、爱老、共度重阳”公益活动,上海市建设工程咨询行业协会领导与700多位老人、社会各界爱心人士参加,圆满完成了活动,推动了爱心事业的高质量发展,展现了造价咨询行业的良好形象。


Shanghai Fushen Real Property Engineering Advisory Co. Ltd  (不动产工程)

1.  Our Qualification and Development

Shanghai Fushen Real Property Engineering Advisory Co. Ltd was established in 1994 and are licenced with the First-Class Qualification on the Reviewing the Construction Settlement Price by Shanghai Municipal Construction Committee (SMCC). We are a professionalised company provides engineering advisory consulting, such as engineering investment control, engineering investment management and engineering financial management. We are one of shortlisted companies of the Shanghai Municipal Procurement Centre. We are now qualified with Class-A Qualification on the Engineering Cost Consultation and Construction Engineering Tender Agency. We are honoured as the appreciated company by SMCC in the examination of our service quality, time efficiency and practical ethics within the cost consultation industry. In 2015, our company got the affirmation in the legislation consultation in our sector annual test.

With $58 million (CNY) registered capital, Shanghai Fushen Evaluation Consulting Group also provide services include:

-         Credit assessment,

-         Real estate assessment,

-         Land evaluation,

-         Asset assessment,

-         Trademark and patent assessment,

-         Flexibility study,

-         Quality system assurance consulting

-         Financial services.

With the aforementioned services, these help current service industry to have an increasingly organised and large-scale development and acts as an important role in the integration of the professionals and the improvement of the competitiveness of the company in the industry.

 2. Our Sales Records and Reputation

For 26 years, our company has been the model in the industry, with good reputation and fame, and thus, it becomes our professional image and brand. We provide auditing service for both local and foreign medical institutions and public finance funded projects. We also provide judicial authentication for the People’s courts. We have provided effective and high-quality services for top 500 enterprises in the world and for the Government in major governances and in large-scale projects on public health and people’s livelihood, such as:

-         Shanghai Pulmonary/Lung HospitalClinical Diagnoses and Treatment Centre for Pulmonary Disease and its Stereo Garage (上海市肺科醫院肺部疾病臨床診療中心及立體車庫)

-         Construction of the Shanghai 6th People Hospital Integrated Scientific Research Building 

-         Angola Hospital, China’s Foreign Assistance Project

-         Zhongde Hospital

-         Extension Construction of Shanghai Metro Line 5 South

-         Construction of Shanghai Metro Line 15

-         109 Land Parcel in Huangpu District (including 6 floors underground) (Fan Pacific International Mansion)

-         Shanghai LvdiSongjiangYunfeng Mansion (上海绿地松江云峰名邸)

-         World’s Top 500 Shanghai Gaoqiao BASF Dispersions Co., Ltd

-         Refinery Retrofitting Construction Project (Stage 4) from SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Company Ltd (SPC)

-         Structure Adjustment Project of Ethylene Oxide Capacity Addition by 1# Ethylene Glycol from SPC (上海石化1#乙二醇增產環氧乙烷結構調整項目)

-         Project on the Production of 900K Clothing from Zhejiang Baoxiniao Garment Co. Ltd

-         Commercial Building Construction of 6 Qiu Strips in 233 Neighbourhood, Songyuan Road (宋園路233街坊6丘地塊商辦樓工程)

-         Weiyu Secondary School Campus Construction Project in 2013

-         XH128C-07 Underground Area Construction Project in Xuhui District

-         Stage 1 and 2 Restructure and Expansion Construction of Nanyang Secondary School

-         Junior Secondary Relocation Construction of Nanyang Secondary School

-         Construction Project of the Tianlin 3rd Secondary Integrated Sport Building

-         A Phase of 445 Neighbourhood Public Housing project in Huajiangzhen

Our company mainly provides advisory services, such as project valuing, engineering financial management and investment management for whole process, for the aforementioned projects. We have received the commendation letters from BASF for years. We were selected as the outstanding price reviewing unit in “the Educational Campus Infrastructure Programme in Xuhui District” by Shanghai Municipal Xuhai District Financial Bureau in 2014 and 2015.

In August 2017, Shanghai Fushen Real Property Engineering Advisory Co., Ltd audited the cost of repairment of the indoor renovate damage for 367 households in Putuo District. This is a stabilising project with limited time and heavy workload. Thus, our director had paid her attention on the project and visit the site at once. We had sent numerous human resources, with limited rest and working under high temperature, for site investigation and examination. We also explained the relevant policies to the affected people. Our price advisor had finished the price reviewing for all affected housing with their professional knowledge and accurate data collected. We use our excellent results to meet the 19th victory of the Party meeting.This project helps us to earn the affirmation from the public, the Municipality and the Government.

Our company also undertakes large amount of business for investment consulting and evaluation, such as:

-           Flexicity research of Urben Agriculture and Forestry Public Practical Training Center project of Shanghai Agriculture School

-           Flexicity research of RongCheng Stage 3 Property Hotel project

-           Invenstment Estimation Compilation

-           Economic Benefits Analysis

-           Flexicity research of Shanghai ZhouPu Yucai School Safety Engineering (which has great social benefits)

-           School Buildings’ Function Perfection of Structual Reinforcement, Comprehensive Disaster Resistance, Energy Conservation  and Environment Protection of Shanghai Pudong DeZhou 2nd Village Primary School (which rasies buildings aseismic level, prolongs their service life and provides shelter for students and residents nearby during unexpected disasters)

3.  Teaming up Professionals with Good Practices

For 26 years, Shanghai Fushen Real Property Engineering Advisory Co. Ltd has trained a high-quality team of cost engineers with good problem-solving skill, high professional standard and good reputation in the industry. We have 41 project costing experts, 8 master- and doctor- degree holders, 18 of them are registered cost engineers, 15 are cost assistants. 8 of them are qualified with Senior Professional Technical Title, while 13 of them are qualified with Intermediate Professional Technical Title. Some of our experts are also being supervisory professionals for the Municipality, such as:

-          Construction Evaluator Expert for Shanghai Municipal Construction Committee


-         Real Estate Appraiser for the Shanghai Housing Guarantee and Housing Management

-         First-Class Qualification on Real Estate Appraisal offered by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC

-         Land Evaluating Appraiser for the Ministry of Natural Resource of the PRC

-         Assessor of the Transfer of Land Ownership by Bidding, Auction and Listing for the Planning and Land Resource Administration of Shanghai Municipality

-         Advisory Experts for Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau Procurement

-         Land Appraisal Evaluator for Shanghai Housing Management Bureau

-         Land Assessor for the Shanghai Lingang Integrated Economic Development Zone

-         Assessor of the Compensation for levying the Industrial Enterprises (Non-Residential) in the Shanghai Fengxian South Bridge New City Development Administration Committee Jurisdiction

-         Credit Evaluation Appraiser for Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information

Our Group Director, Ms Fan Yun, is the 11th, 12th and 13th National People Congress (NPC). She cares the nation and the society, and thus, she has many roles including:

-         Vice-president of Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce,

-         Vice-president of Shanghai Young & Middle-aged Intellectuals Association (Chi: 上海市中青年知識份子聯誼會),

-         President of Shanghai Real Estate Appraisers Association and Shanghai Trademark Association (Chi: 上海市商標協會),

-         Chairlady of Shanghai Charities Fund Aiqing Charities Fund (Chi: 上海市慈善基金會愛青慈善基金會),

-         Supreme People’s Court (PRC) Supervisor,

-         Specially Designed Supervisory Personnel of Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau (上海市公安局特約監督員),

-         Special Ombudsman of Shanghai Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration,

-         Special Auditor of Shanghai Municipal Audit Bureau,

-         Shanghai Municipal Market Supervisory Bureau Monitoring Team Vice- Team Leader,

-         Shanghai Experts with Outstanding Performance (上海市突出貢献專家),

-         Expert for Shanghai Municipal People Congress Legislation Expert Consultant Team,

-         Legal expert for Shanghai Bureau Administration for Industry and Commerce,   

-         Professional Instructor in Judicial Authentication and Real Estate Appraisal for Shanghai Municipal Supreme People’s Court

-         Shanghai Non-party Intellectual Experts for Offering Suggestions and Advice

-         Experts for Yangtze River Delta Non-party Intellectual

-         Master Tutor of  Shanghai University of Finance and Economic,

-         Master Tutor of Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance

-         Teaching Experts of Party School of Shanghai Committee of CPC

-         Master supervisor of Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Financing

-         Master supervisor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Also, she has been selected as the “National Advanced Individuals for Contributing A Fully Developing Moderately Prosperous Society”, National “Non-Public Sector of the Economy Personnel Socialism with Chinese Characteristic Outstanding Entrepreneur” (Chi: 全國非公有制經濟人士優秀中國特色社會主義事業建設者”,   Shanghai “Women Red Flag Holder –Outstanding Women in the Sector”(三八紅旗手) and “Most Trustworthy Entrepreneur selected by Employees in Shanghai” (Chi: 職工信賴的經營(管理)).

4. Affirmations and Caring from Our Leaders

In addition, she also actively engaged in the building of democracy in China. Over 500 talks and 300 suggestions have been adopted by relevant department. In her eleven-year political career, Ms Fan has worked with two state leaders, arranged to have speeches in the Great Hall of the People for eight times and five of them are the national meeting with Mr Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. Four of her written suggestions have been selected as the “Major Oversee” Recommendation (Chi: “重點督辦建議). Ms Fan has also been selected as to voice in the Foreign Press Conference for three times. She has been the project leader for the policy making in NPC, Shanghai Municipal Decision Advisory Committee for four times and Shanghai Government for two times. Her suggestions on the reformation in taxation and the construction of public finance system, provide an efficient monitoring on the public finance and improve its performance, have earned the recognition from Xi. Also, her motions on adjustment in anti-monopolisation in 2015, quality control in 2016 and formulation of the Law of Finance in 2017 are listed as motions in NPC. Ms Fan is selected as the “Advance NPC” (Chi: 全國人大履職先進) in 2012, 2017 and 2018.